Protecting animals: Importance and Necessary Actions

The Role of Non-Governmental Organizations and the Community

Protecting animals is an urgent issue that requires the attention of organizations and the awareness of individuals, aiming for a just and compassionate world for the animals around us.

1. The Importance of Protecting animals

Protecting animals is not only a matter of compassion but also closely related to ecological balance and human survival. Animals play a crucial role in the food chain and in maintaining the balance of ecosystems. Each animal species has a unique position and role in nature, and their disappearance can lead to unforeseen consequences.

For example, herbivores like deer and wild buffalo help control the growth of vegetation, while carnivores like tigers and lions help regulate herbivore populations. If one species disappears, this imbalance can lead to excessive increases or decreases in other species, causing significant harm to the ecosystem.

The Importance of Animal Protection

2. Causes of Extinction

There are many causes leading to the extinction of animals, with two main ones being human activities and climate change. Humans, through activities such as hunting, deforestation, and urbanization, have destroyed the natural habitats of many animal species. Furthermore, the use of chemicals in agriculture also harms many animal species and their habitats.

Climate change is another significant cause, leading to changes in temperature, rainfall, and other natural conditions, negatively affecting the survival of many animal species. For example, the melting of polar ice caps has reduced the habitat for polar bears, while marine organisms like coral are facing mass die-offs due to rising sea temperatures.

3. Measures for Protecting animals

To protect animals, we need to implement a series of measures from global to individual levels. These measures include protecting and restoring natural habitats, combating illegal hunting and trade, and raising community awareness about the importance of animal protection.

  • Protecting and restoring habitats: This includes establishing reserves and national parks where animals can live and thrive without the threat of human activities. Forest restoration and land reclamation projects are also crucial to restoring destroyed natural habitats.
  • Combating illegal hunting and trade: Governments and international organizations need to cooperate to enforce strict laws to prevent illegal hunting and trade of animals. Monitoring and controlling wildlife trade programs also need to be strengthened.
  • Raising community awareness: Education and outreach about the importance of animal protection need to be promoted. Media campaigns, school education programs, and community activities can help change people’s perceptions and behaviors towards animals.

The Role of Non-Governmental Organizations and the Community

4. The Role of Non-Governmental Organizations and the Community

Non-governmental organizations (NGOs) play an important role in animal protection. Organizations like WWF (World Wildlife Fund), Greenpeace, and PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) have been implementing numerous animal protection programs worldwide. Their activities include research, education, policy advocacy, and conservation projects.

Local communities also play an equally important role. People living near conservation areas are often the most knowledgeable about local conditions and can help protect animals by participating in protection and monitoring programs.

5. Individual Actions

Each individual can contribute to animal protection by taking small but meaningful actions. For example, not buying products made from wildlife, reducing plastic use to protect marine environments, and volunteering at animal protection organizations.

Moreover, we can support animal protection policies and participate in advocacy campaigns to urge governments and authorities to implement stronger protection measures.


Protecting animals is the responsibility of everyone. Animals are not only a crucial part of the ecosystem but also living beings with the right to live and thrive. Through protective measures and raising awareness, we can ensure that animal species continue to exist and contribute to the balance and richness of nature. Every small action we take today can make a significant difference for the future of animals and our planet.